Sunday, November 27, 2011

Quickly and Easily Healthy Food Recipes

Friends frequently pass comment on how quickly and easily
healthy food comes out of my kitchen. For this I thank my
role model mother who always had a nourishing meal or
snack on the table in a flash to feed any number of people
who happened to be there at the time.
My country upbringing also helped me develop the skills and
initiative needed to produce great meals without the convenience
of nearby shops and the easy options that town folk
I now combine these skills with the nutrition knowledge
gained as a Sports Dietitian, to feed my own three active,
energetic children and their hungry friends who delight in
visiting us for meals – especially after sport.

I was pleased when the Canned Food Information Service
offered me an opportunity to share these skills with you in the
interest of encouraging better health and improved sporting
performances among active Australian families.
This cookbook is designed to provide meal and snack ideas
that will nourish you and your sporty kids as quickly as
possible, with a minimum of fuss. The recipes have been
tested on my own three “guinea pigs” aged 7 to 12 and their
friends. My goal is to provide recipes that all the family can
enjoy, as I know how frustrating it becomes when fussy
eaters are reluctant to eat new or different foods. Obviously
not everyone will always like the same foods and compromise
is required at times.
These recipe ideas may also stimulate you to think about
other ways your family can avoid the take away trap that
intrudes into our hectic lives.

Ruth Logan BSc, Grad Dip Nut & Diet (SA), APD.
Ruth is a member of Sports Dietitians Australia and
Dietitians Association of Australia

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