Monday, December 12, 2011

Eating On The Day

Drinks, snack and meal ideas for before sport
The old tradition of eating a hearty meal before
activity has gone with the times. It is now recommended
that the meal eaten prior to sport is a low
fat, high carbohydrate combination of foods that are
quick and easy to prepare and digest, yet leave your
children feeling satisfied and well fuelled. The
timing of this meal is important to allow time for
digestion prior to exercise.

Fluid intake needs to be encouraged at this time

To make a nutritious breakfast, select a combination
from the following foods
● breakfast cereal or oatmeal with reduced fat milk and/or yogurt
● toast, crumpets, pancakes or muffins
● spaghetti or baked beans
● eggs; reduced fat cheese
● fresh or canned fruit; fruit juice

Nutrition goals:
1. Provide foods to be eaten prior to activity that are quick and easy to digest, leaving the stomach
comfortable but not too empty.
2. The best foods for this time are those low in fat, containing some protein and a moderate amount of
3. Ensure adequate fluid intake with these foods.

Survival hints

1. Keep food and fluids at this time quite simple.
2. Food and drink taken now should be what your child is used to having. Before a competition or
carnival is not a good time to experiment with new foods.
3. Always aim to have a mix of food and fluids before activity.
4. Aim to eat a main meal 2-4 hours prior to starting activity. A light snack can be eaten
within an hour of being active.
5. Watch the fibre content of this meal. Some children may find their bowels become overactive if they eat a large amount of fibre at this time. If this is the case, use more refined products like white bread, pancakes or canned spaghetti.
6. Sometimes a liquid meal may be the best before sport, particularly for children who get nervous
and don't feel like eating solid food.
7. Take fluids within the last 15 minutes before exercise to ensure adequate hydration.
8. Minimise fuss so that everyone can stay calm.

Liquid meals can be purchased commercially but active kids may like to try their own creations.
Try these delicious drinks:
Peach and Mango Smoothie
Speedy Shake
Fruit Spider

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